Wild Hog Traps
We currently carry two styles of hog traps. The traps feature Swing Door or a Root Door design. These multi-piece traps are designed to allow a single person to set up a trap site. Both the Swing Door and the Root Door are 5 piece units. Traps are available with an optional powder coat finish to help withstand abuse from the weather and the wear and tear of trapping hogs. The multi-piece design reduces the amount of human traffic while setting up the trap, a great advantage when trapping wild hogs. This lowers the amount of human odor in the area which can keep the hogs away. The traps have no wire bottom. The natural ground floor will prevent the hogs from being skittish while they are enter the trap. Another advantage of the multi-piece design is the ability to get the traps into a remote area. Each piece can easily be carried in to an area then assembled. This design allows you to get the traps where the hogs are.
Swing Door Hog Trap
On the Swing Door model (also known as the Swing Gate model), the gate is spring loaded. Once the trap has been tripped, the gate will close at an angle in the corner of the trap. This allows a void for the hogs to push their way through the gate even after the door is tripped. The Swing Door design is able to catch multiple hogs.

Root Door Hog Trap
The Root Door design has a double gate that is hinged from the top of the trap. The gates can be used two different ways. You can set the gates to fall once the trip line is triggered. The second option is closing both gates and allowing the hogs to root under the gate which is the natural way for a hog to eat. The Root Door is also designed to trap multiple hogs at once. The Root Door model is also known as the Root Gate model.

Traps in Action

Some traps contain wired or mesh floors. Such features can deter wild hogs to enter the trap. The reluctance of hogs to enter the trap means a lower success rate of capturing the animal. Careful consideration has gone into the design of the wild hog traps. When wild hogs approach the trap, the natural ground is visible. As the hogs are lured inside, the gate effectively closes, trapping the hogs inside.